Lanterns Gallery
Medieval Viking Lanterns
A challenge was made to produce some medieval Viking style lanterns. These are approx. 150mm in diameter and 250mm high, with the candle lifter being approx. 300mm long. Made from genuine English Oak [not poor quality softwood]. Six pillar construction with central candle platform and lifting pillar for candle lighting and service.
The diffuser is single piece genuine Rawhide (not dog chews!), and stitched by myself. The pillars are turned on the lathe, not machine dowels. current Black Friday / Christmas offer of 30% off original price on my Etsy Shop!
For items currently available please visit my Etsy Shop. For all other enquiries and to make a comission, please contact me at: colin@talkingpointwoodwork.co.uk
©2024 Talking Point Woodwork and Colin Baker. All rights reserved.