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Railway Sleeper Items Gallery

Railway Sleeper Products

B17 Train Funnel Bowl
Resin Filled Sleeper Bowl
B17 Train Funnel Bowl
Resin Filled Sleeper Bowl

As my woodturning skills developed (and following a tongue in check remark) I tried to turn reclaimed softwood railway sleepers, the result was to develop resin casting skills to fill all the shrinkage cracks and bolt holes, etc.

I then tried reclaimed hardwood Jarrah sleepers and resin filling them.  Turning these blunts tungsten cutter very very quickly because of their hardness, like English Oak the older they get the harder they get!

A local railway heritage expert and leader of the B17 Steam Locomotive Trust (Cambs and Fens Group) visited me to view my sleeper bowls, resulting in a idea to turn a bowl in the shape of B17 Funnel, and he later supplied me with engineering drawings from the original B17, so I have been able to make a number of scaled down bowls to the exact shape. One now regularly sits on the front of their Groups stand for people to make spare change donations or coins for their coin square challenge at their events.

Jarrah Railway Sleeper Seat
Jarrah Railway Sleeper Seat
Jarrah Railway Sleeper Seat

This seat is made from a Jarrah recycled railway sleeper which has been Resin filled then mounted onto recycled Angle Steel legs which are fitted with rubber feet to protect floor covering.

This item is VERY heavy, and suitable for collection only from March, Cambridgeshire for any prospective buyer.

For items currently available please visit my Etsy Shop.  For all other enquiries and to make a comission, please contact me at:


©2024 Talking Point Woodwork and Colin Baker.  All rights reserved.

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