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Talking Point Woodwork

Shields, Weapons and Mastermyr Chest Gallery

Shields, Weapons and Mastermyr Chest

Roman Scutum (Shield)
Roman Scutum (Shield)

The Roman Scutum / Shield were originally made from very thin laminated timber, but I used two layers of plywood glued and bent over a former to create this.  The centre boss is hand beaten by myself.  I then metal wrapped the edge and painted with Legionary Markings.

Norwegian Gulaping and Frostaping Law Viking Shield
Viking Shield

One of my early projects. This first Viking Shield has been made to size based on the Norwegian Gulaping and Frostaping Law.  Made from Scandinavian Redwood with a linen material applied to the front surface to reinforce it.  The steel boss was hand-beaten by myself and fixed with my own handmade nails.  The external edge is wrapped with natural rawhide, and the grip is wrapped with leather for extra hold and fixed in place with my clenched handmade nails.

Viking Shield
Viking Shield

The Viking Shield blanks:

One made with recycled timber (oak grip and battening), and natural rawhide edging is available.

Two made with joinery grade timber (oak grip and battening), and natural rawhide edging is available

Mastermyr Chest
Mastermyr Chest

Mastermyr Chest made to sizes researched from the internet, the hinges are also handmade by myself.

Roman Shield and Gladius / Swords
Roman Shield and Gladius / Sword
Mastermyr Chest, Axe, Seax, Ulfberht Sword, Sword

Following on from the earlier shields and Mastermyr chest, I made a selection of wooden replica weapons which would have been available to people at that period. Two Roman Gladius/Swords, the shorter from the earlier period and the longer from the later period. Then pictured with the chest: basic axes, to the very basic Seax, later Seax, and through to the Ulfberht sword which was only available to the very rich and powerful.  The steel for the Ulfberht sword was sourced from Persia.

Viking Rondel Training Dagger

Following a conservation at Cambridge Living History Fair in St Ives, I am now making Wooden Rondels, they are made from one piece of English Ash timber and are approx. 465mm in length.  The blade has a rounded tip for safety.  This type of weapon was used in medieval times during weapons training. Helping to improve swordsmanship without major injury. 
These are designed for light training, for practice only.

For items currently available please visit my Etsy Shop.  For all other enquiries and to make a comission, please contact me at:


©2024 Talking Point Woodwork and Colin Baker.  All rights reserved.

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